Loss or Crash of Aircraft

Loss of Aircraft is defined as any situation in which the Pilot in Command loses visual, radio, and Visual Observer contact with the aircraft, resulting in the immediate status and position of that aircraft being unknown.

This scenario should be treated very seriously as prolonged Loss of Aircraft is likely to result in a Crash.

Crash of Aircraft is defined as a rapid or uncontrolled impact with the ground or nearby obstruction that results in damage to the aircraft itself.

Prop Strikes (incidents that DO NOT result in damage or injury to anything other than the propeller itself) are typically not classified as a Crash, as propellers are considered a wear item.

Upon Loss of Aircraft, the primary focus of the Pilot in Command needs to be locating the aircraft and/or wreckage as soon as possible. Use effective remote crew resource management to ensure any new concerns, such as injury, property damage, or fire are properly addressed, including contacting emergency services as soon as it is deemed necessary.

In the event of any incident involving a Crash or Loss of Aircraft, as soon as it is safe to do so, the Pilot in Command should collect pictures of the crash site and document the events preceding the incident, including recorded interviews from all members of the remote flight crew.

Operators are highly encouraged to notify Inspired Flight Technologies immediately of any incident involving an IFT aircraft, provide flight logs if available, and share information that may help prevent other similar incidents in the future.

Last updated